segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2020

6 Mistakes That Ruin Marriages

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Marriage can be tough, and we’re all guilty of making mistakes... after all, it’s only natural. Despite what we may see on our favourite television sitcoms, the truth is that there is really is no such thing as a “perfect couple.” In fact, if you’re not having the occasional tiff with your spouse then there’s probably something wrong with your relationship.
Arguments can be quite healthy for any relationship; letting out steam and telling your partner directly how their mistakes have bothered you is much more productive than bottling up your emotions. That said, there are certain mistakes that once they’re made, there’s no undoing it. No matter how many times you say “I’m sorry” for these types of mistakes, it won’t undo the damage done. The old saying goes, “it’s easier to forgive than to forget,” and unfortunately there are certain mistakes that can be deal breakers. Sometimes it’s one big mistake, other times it can be a series of smaller ones. If you and your spouse don’t work towards rectifying your mistakes as you grow together, then your marriage will begin to suffer.
You may be wondering what some of the mistakes that could end your marriage are, so lets talk about them. But before we do, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brad Browning and I’m a marriage coach and best-selling author of Mend the Marrriage, a program designed to help you stop divorce and re-build a happy, healthy marriage. So, now that you know a bit about me, let’s get into the kinds of mistakes that can ruin your marriage. It’s important to note that the only way to avoid making the same mistake twice is to acknowledge that you made a mistake, and understand why what you did was wrong. Then, never do it again. Many of us commit the same mistake over and over for reasons only we know. But what we fail to see is when we commit the same mistakes, we are hurting our spouses.
If you find yourself committing the following mistakes, take a step back and consider how your actions are possibly setting a negative tone in your marriage. To get it out of the way, I’m going to start by acknowledging that cheating is clearly the big NO-NO of any marriage. Yes, it’s an obvious one, but the mistakes I’m about to talk about may be more overlooked than you thought. Let’s get started.

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